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Event Series Zumba


Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Join us in Zumba to wake up fresh, and stay active all day!You will keep high spirits all day.

Event Series Zumba


On Mondays and Wednesdays this class is offered virtually. On Fridays this class is offered both virtually and in person. Instructor: Marta Lopez Zoom Meeting ID: 883 929 2828 Passcode: 0ZX9h7

Señales de alerta temprana de demencia  (sesión en español)

Aprenda los signos de advertencia y síntomas de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras formas de demencia. Obtenga información sobre comportamientos que podrían indicar problemas más profundos que requieren atención médica. Esta sesión está presentado en español.

Event Series Zumba


On Mondays and Wednesdays this class is offered virtually. On Fridays this class is offered both virtually and in person. Instructor: Marta Lopez Zoom Meeting ID: 883 929 2828 Passcode: 0ZX9h7

Autocuidado para el cuidador  (sesión en español)


Descubre las seis áreas de autocuidado que pueden llevar a una vida más equilibrada y plena. Este taller interactivo está diseñado para cuidadores que se encargan de personas con Alzheimer y otras formas de demencia.

World Elder Abuse Day: Special Presentation


This special presentation will cover how to help an older adult who may be impacted by Elder Abuse. We will discuss warning signs of abuse, and what to do if you suspect it is occurring. This event is open to all members of the community.

Event Series Fitness Walking

Fitness Walking

Lawrence Virgilio Playground 39th Drive / Woodside Avenue at 52nd Street, Woodside, New York

We will walk around an outdoor park in Woodside Queens. Bring water and dress comfortably.

Event Series Karaoke with Marvin

Karaoke with Marvin

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Sign-up for singing order begins at 1 PM. Have your song of choice ready. El registro para el orden de canto comienza a la 1 PM. Tenga lista la canción de su elección.