Archives: Events - Page 31 - Sunnyside Community Services


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Spinach Mozzarella Quiche

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.

Event Series Cardio Sculpt

Cardio Sculpt

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Show up and shape up! Instructor: Zarina Noor of Shape Up NYC

Cooking Live with NYC Aging

Join us in the Center to view a virtual presentation from NYC Aging about how to prepare Red Borsht, which is a traditional beet soup mostly eaten in Russia.

Pasta with Italian Sausage

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.

Event Series Art Class

Art Class

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Instructor: Satorn

Building Good Sleep Habits


When it comes to improving your sleep, it can be hard to know where to start. Come learn more about how to sleep better with Christine Francis, activities coordinator. Each participant will be entered into a raffle for a prize. 

Split Pea Soup

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.

Healthy Sleep, Healthy Brain

Discover the lifestyle changes that can help you get a better night’s sleep. Lack of restful sleep can impact the long-term health of your brain and body. Find out what’s keeping from a good night’s sleep and the steps you can take to sleep deeper, longer, and better. Presented by Roy Capps, CARE NYC – Caregiver […]

Event Series Karaoke with Marvin

Karaoke with Marvin

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Sign up for singing order begins at 1 PM. Have your song of choice ready. El registro para el orden de canto comineza a la 1 PM. Tenga lista la canción de su elección.

Event Series Zumba


Class is offered in personal and virtually. Instructor: Marta Lopez. If joining on Zoom:Meeting ID: 883 929 2828Passcode: 0ZX9h7