Exercise for Arthritis
Offered in person and virtually. Instructor: Rosa Valverde
Offered in person and virtually. Instructor: Rosa Valverde
Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.
Sign up for singing order begins at 1PM. Have your song of choice ready.El registro para el orden de canto comienza a la 1 PM. Tenga lista la canción de su elección.
Join Shape Up NYC instructor Zarina Noor for this exercise class.
Join Arianna Leon from Central Astoria for virtual presentation to help you learn more about your housing rights! She will provide information on the effects of evictions on the community and what you can do to protect yourself.
Instructor: James Park
Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.
We will pick a different movie each Tuesday afternoon to screen in the Older Adult Center.
With Rosa Valverde. Class duration is 1 hour.
Join Shape Up NYC instructor Zarina Noor for this exercise class.
Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.
Nuestras experiencias nos ayudan a ser nuestra mejor version. Acompañanos a nuestro grupo de soporte en español para cuidadores.Unete a crear una comunidad que escucha, comprende, y respeta. Las reuniones serán virtuales via Zoom.Por favor llene el formulario a la derecha y una specialista de apoyo para cuidadores se llamará para completer la registración.
Virtual support group for those who are caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Please fill out the contact us form on the righthand side, and a Caregiver Support Specialist will call you to complete registration.
Gently awaken your body for the day with instructor James Park.
Instructor: Ruth Finkelstein, NYC Aging GMH Program
Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.
Marvin will provide lively music for a celebratory Thursday afternoon.
All caregivers are welcome to join this support group.To join us, fill out contact information using the form at the right, and a Caregiver Support Specialist will call you to complete your registration. This support group is offered virtually, in English.