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Spanish Style Roast Pork

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.

Event Series Art Class

Art Class

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Instructor: Satorn. You must be an Older Adult Center member to participate. You may sign up with one of our staff onsite.

Birthday Celebration

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Celebración de cumpleaños. We will celebrate all of the Older Adult Center members who celebrate their birthdays in November.

Event Series Grupo de apoyo para cuidadores

Grupo de apoyo para cuidadores

Nuestras experiencias nos ayudan a ser nuestra mejor version. Acompañanos a nuestro grupo de soporte en español para cuidadores.Unete a crear una comunidad que escucha, comprende, y respeta. Las reuniones serán virtuales via Zoom.Por favor llene el formulario a la derecha y una specialista de apoyo para cuidadores se llamará para completer la registración.


Join us for this event: Gyrokinesis is gentle and slow movements for people that want to keep their bodies active.This class is presented by Natalie Graniela.

Moroccan Eggplant, Chickpea, and Tomato Stew

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.

Event Series Music & Dancing

Music & Dancing

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Marvin will provide lively music for a celebratory Thursday afternoon.


Come in and join us to start the day in high spirits! You will keep high spirits all day.This class is presented by Marta Lopez

Fundamentals of Art

In this class you will be introduced to value or tone to add the illusion of form to your drawing. You will also learn about blending techniques.

Event Series Karaoke Thursdays

Karaoke Thursdays

Sunnyside Community Services Main Site 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside, NY, United States

Sign up for singing order begins at 1PM. Have your song of choice ready.El registro para el orden de canto comienza a la 1 PM. Tenga lista la canción de su elección.